Monday, February 27, 2012

Volcanos and Earthquakes


Summary of earthquake and volcanos

Earthquake its a strong vibration or wave through the ground  that vibration , the visual effects of the earthquake its the epicenter it's like  crack in the surface and inside the rock the strong point is called focus

 Epicenter and focues is a visual   effects in the surface

in the lithophere exist three types of seismic waves

L wave
the L waves and S wave its a curve wave

L wave

S wave

P wave
its a wave with follow the same direction

A earthquake could be happend in anywhere include under the water the earthquake its called Tsunami



the volcano its a elevation of the plates movements diverge boundaties create most of the volcanos, in the lithophere exist three types of volcanos composite volcano, cinder volcano and shiled volcano. inside the volcano the liquid rock its called magna and outside the volcano the liquid rock its called lava

Shield volcano

shield volcano its a big type of volcano exist in the lithophre, this volcano have may frament of lava inside and when this volcano erupt cancreate a island like is hawaii

Composite volcano

its a medium volcano can erupt too but this volcano have some framents of lava inside

Cinder volcano
its a smaller volcano of the lithophere some of this volcanos do not have lava inside

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