Thursday, May 10, 2012

Important proprieties of Minerals

During Earth science I learn a new topic about Minerals I learned how to Identify a mineral with a normal rock through a physical characteristics.A mineral is make up by magma the way a mineral can form is by temperature, pressure, hot water (hydro-thermal)  under the surface. rocks are different than minerals, because minerals have the own trait or characteristics such as Luster, how the mineral shine is they are metallic or not metallic, (Streak),color,weight(Harness)and the break ( cleavage or fracture) also minerals are classifiable by chemical composition.


Quartz Mineral 

Quartz pink 

Hornblende minerals  


What did you enjoy most about this program and why? 
Well the most I enjoyed in this project was create the video and take pictures to complete the visual part of the lab

What was most challenging for you during this project and why ? 
Well the must challenging was help write part of the lab with my partner and collect all the pictures and part of the video on time.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project ?    
I  try be original with my video and all the stuff on time

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain? 
Well I would like  try improve because was to much images and is kind weird the video and about the lab we must to put more information in the lab .


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Convection Current Effects

Asthenosphere Layer 
Plate movements
Part of the lithosphere moves around of the earth caused by movement of the mantle, this create the three types of boundaries Convergent boundaries, Divergent boundaries, and Transform boundaries. Convergent boundaries it’s the boundaries where two plates come together, Divergent boundaries it’s when two plates move away each other and Transform boundaries it’s when two plates slide each other. those are a effects caused by plate movements, visual effects of this boundaries could be subduction zone when the continental crust and oceanic crust come together and the dense crust(oceanic) move under the continental crust another visual effect it's hot plots create volcanos and islands in the continental crust another effects could be the sea floor spreading where the oceanic plates move away through divergent boundaries, a the consequence of this movement create a mid ocean ridge , in the continental crust divergent boundaries create rift valleys and mountains and finally the deep sea threch it’s a big hole between oceanic crust and continental crust under the seas
Lithosphere Layer 
Disaster caused by boundaries
It’s a strong vibrations through the ground its call to the seismic waves.
Types of wave
S and L waves it’s a curve waves through the earth but L waves its they must dangerous waves. P waves it’s a wave moves around back and forth.
It’s an earthquake or fault under the seas where spread a big waves through the water.
Faults:It’s a big crack through the ground this are three types of faults Normal fault when part of the ground moves down, Reverse fault it’s when part of the ground move up and Transform fault it’s when the ground moves in every places. 
Mantle layer 
Volcanos rift valleys and mountains 

Critical thinking question 
Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? 
I total agree with this theory because we can see evidence to prove this theory like convection currents caused the boundaries and through this movements this create mountains, islands ,volcanos faults, earthquakes and Tsunami are clear evidence of this theory  the lithosphere are in constantly movement this make part our life's .

1) What did you enjoy most about this project and why ? 
Well this project that most thing I really enjoy was drawing the mini posters and make the video and the labs
2) What was most challenging for you during this project and why ? 
The most challenging part of this project for me was the volcano model and part of the lab   
3)What new skills did you learn from doing this project ? 
use animoto videos organized my blog and make fordable 
4) Is there anything that you could have done nto improve any of your work ? Explain .
be responsible and  efficient help me to do my work on time and make extra  work and improve my grades 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Plate Movements

Effects and causes of plates movements
Plate Movements is caused of the covention currents ( mantle hot liquid move inside the earth ) this cause different types of movesin the lithophere called boundaries three types of boundaries sucn are Covergent boundaries, Divergent boundaries and Transform boundaries

Visual effectes of the boundaries
By caused of the plates movements , lithophere move around the earth consequiltly so, the   movements of the boundaries could create montains , volcanos, rift valleys, treanch and also islands .

Covergent Boundaries
Its a boundarie where two plates come together in the same dirrection.

Divergent Boundaries
Its when two plates move away each others .


Transform Boundaries
Its when two plates slides each other in diffrents directions .

its a strong vibration through the lithophere, under the seas and oceans





A58Extensional-Faults1.GIF (396×268)


The movements of the plates its responsible of the moves of the boundaries three types of boundaries such are Convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries and transform boundaries, the visual effects of those boundaries is create mountains, volcano’s, faults, subduction zone, tsunamis and earthquakes. The cause of those important movements it’s the convections currents (move of the mantle inside in the earth)  the continental drift is a good example to showed of the movements of the continents around the earth so this couple things take part of important   movements of the earth all this beautiful things is caused by boundaries movements by sometime this movements could create a disaster.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Volcanos and Earthquakes


Summary of earthquake and volcanos

Earthquake its a strong vibration or wave through the ground  that vibration , the visual effects of the earthquake its the epicenter it's like  crack in the surface and inside the rock the strong point is called focus

 Epicenter and focues is a visual   effects in the surface

in the lithophere exist three types of seismic waves

L wave
the L waves and S wave its a curve wave

L wave

S wave

P wave
its a wave with follow the same direction

A earthquake could be happend in anywhere include under the water the earthquake its called Tsunami



the volcano its a elevation of the plates movements diverge boundaties create most of the volcanos, in the lithophere exist three types of volcanos composite volcano, cinder volcano and shiled volcano. inside the volcano the liquid rock its called magna and outside the volcano the liquid rock its called lava

Shield volcano

shield volcano its a big type of volcano exist in the lithophre, this volcano have may frament of lava inside and when this volcano erupt cancreate a island like is hawaii

Composite volcano

its a medium volcano can erupt too but this volcano have some framents of lava inside

Cinder volcano
its a smaller volcano of the lithophere some of this volcanos do not have lava inside

Friday, February 3, 2012

Rotation and Revolution

Rotation and Revolution 

Vocabulary words
Rotation (rotacion): its when the earth
move around the axis
Revolution (revolucion de la tierra ): its when the earth move around the sun
Earth axis ( ejes de la tierra ) : imaginary line through the earth
Tilt ( inclinacion): not straight 23.5 degrees
Times zones ( horario o hora mundial ) :the counries have different times  by hours
Eliipse (orbita): shape of the orbit around the sun
Seasons ( estaciones ): caused by the earth revolution the earth have 4 diifferent types of climate called seasons : winter,summer,fall and spring .
Direct( directo):when the earth points near of the sun the earth received direct  sunlight that's summer .
Indirect ( Indirecto):when the eatrh points away of the sun received indirect sunlights.
Hemisphere(hemisferio): its half of the earth north hemisphere and sourth hemisphere.
Equator (Ecuador): its a country located in the middle of the earth and as knonw a imaginary line divide the earth in two hemispheres.
polarys (polarys): is it a star to always points to the north .
solstices(solsticio): its a begining of the season like solstice of summer on june 21 or solstice of the winter on december 21 .
Equinox( equinoxio): the earth have two equinox during spring and fall time that means the time be equal, 12 hours .


Rotation and Revolution

In the heilocentric model is the theory to support the idea abouth the sun its a center of the universe. rotation and revoltuion it's a important evidence  we can see about this cosmo model. Revolution  Is the time period the earth take to move aroud the sun during 365 days the earth always points the polarys star  the effects during the earth revolutions it's the seasons is a change of the climate, 4 seansons such are winter, fall, summer and spring ,the earth are divided by two hemispheres; north and sourth.  during of change of season every country have different time like if  in colombia its 9 pm in china its 4 am that called times zones. Rotation is when the earth move himself during 24 hours evidence of this process it's day and night .

how is earth affeted by movement (revolution) ?
the effects of the earth revoluttion in the earth is though the season the change of the climate
winter, summer, fall and spring , the tides in the earth the water levels and the phaces of the moon all this process its dependent of the revolution and rotation and also affected the life of organisms  in the earth . 



What did you enjoy most about this project and why ?

I like this project , I think was funny learn about the earth in this way and share with my classmates.

What was most challeging for you during this project and why?

I think the most more challenging part was when my group must to prepare and practices forthe video will be ok but practices and draw the project by myself was a difficult.... but fine .

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

besides to learn all about rotation, revolution, tides,seasons and everything I learn also to make more funny pictures inthe project and be more creative .

Is there anything that you could done to improve any of you work ? explain

Well its important when you work in a group to finish of the stuff on time and be clear , but I think the this project help to improve to do be more creative and original .

Monday, December 12, 2011

Paleogene period -click here

Geologic Time - Paleogene Period

Paleogene period -click here

Geologic Time

Paleogene Period (65 to 54.8 mya)

In paleogene period was the period the radical change of the form of the continents trough tectonic movements,Dinasours died and  Australia separeted from artantica.There was also apperance the mammals animals like the dog hourses, pigs, whales and all quadruped animlas.  The climate was tropical with more precipitations .

1 What did enjoy most about this project?
well I like to find the images made the video with my style

2 What was most challenging about this project ?
was a challege to me when I most to finding enough images and made the references

3 What you change about this project and why ?
well for the video I think I must to change the music and I guess more images

4 What are 3 things that you learned from this project ?
well I learned about how the earth changed , how the fossils and rocks can usefull to know how old its the earth , how the tectonis movement to contribute separate the continents and on the paleogene pediod was the period where the mammals animals cover the terrestrial space .